Monday, March 5, 2012

Two Seven Eight

So, while I was accomplishing all my homework tonight I decided to watch "Woodstock: 3 Days of Peace and Music".  I love watching this - it reminds me of the amazing time that was THE sixties.  I so wish I could have been a flower child during the summer of love and I think it would have been the best time to live through in our history.  I just love how the people at the music festival loved each other and took care of each other during the storms and other turmoils of the weekend.  What a fantastic example of how we should live - loving each other and helping each other through life.  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Two Seven Nine

Let's start with I'm a huge fan of Jesus.  He's my favorite, ever.  Anyway, there are some days that are just filled with his presence and that I am reminded of how much he is doing in my life and where he is taking me.  So, today when I got to church it seemed like the entire sermon was written just for me.  My minister started his chat with this song and it was an amazing moment.  It is a new fav of mine.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Two Eight Zero

Blue Ribbon - I live here on the weekends.
Look how excited I am..

Friday, March 2, 2012

Two Eight One

Another day, another dollar.  
It was a strange day in the ribbon as you can see.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Two Eight Two

I had the cutest Mom & Daughter date today with the beautiful woman that is my mother - 
manicures and pedicures for us!

vintage blue.